Monday, April 19, 2010

The Woman's Institute - Sewing For Profit - Part 5

This edition called Sewing For Profit has lots of information on setting yourself up in business with many suggestions of things other than garments you could make for profit. Get inspired!

"As has been pointed out, a woman possessing a knowledge of sewing and garment construction may follow any one of several ways in putting that knowledge into practical use; and it is always well for her to be governed in what she decides to do by her preference for the kinds of work that will be required of her, as well as by her ability to do them, for she will make the greatest success of the work that she likes best and that she can do best. Likewise, it will be well for her to remember that if the field for work along the lines she prefers is not large enough, she should arrange to include other things in order to keep herself and, if possible, her helpers busy."

"Use of the Measure Slip-One practice that a dressmaker should never fail to follow when the customer comes to plan a dress, is to take her measurements. As it is very important that these be complete in every respect, a measure slip, such as the one shown in Fig. 6, should be used. It will be observed that this slip is arranged so as to give all the necessary information in a concise and systematic manner."

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